Proudest Mummy Moments

I know that Boo is only 9 months old (10 months old next week!!) but I have had so many proud mummy moments already so maybe this list should be version 1.0 hehe. So, in no particular order….

1. Holding her on my chest for the first time in the birthing pool – it’s an amazing indescribable feeling and made every moment of the HG pregnancy worth it. I was really lucky in that I got to have my planned water birth, it nearly wasn’t to be (I went in to labour a few hours after my midwife had booked the induction for after the weekend!) as when my waters broke there was mec in them, and I was about to get out of the pool when Boo was born!

2. Boo’s First Smile – It was just amazing, and I was so proud she was looking at me at the time her whole face lit up and the difference between the wind grimaces and intentional smiles are so obvious at that point.

3. Pulling herself up to standing – she looked so very proud and still does, she puffs her little chest out and makes a noise so we can all look at her =)


Or more recently she keeps quiet so she can get up to more mischief!IMG_0720

4. Crawling – It was so great to see her getting about under her own steam and it wasn’t long before she was chasing us!


5. Breastfeeding – The fact that both Boo and I reached the 6 month mark for breastfeeding (and are still going strong!) despite having the deal with acid reflux and mastitis among other things.

6. First Time on a swing – just highlights for me how fast she is grown and I know that before I know it she will be running around the local playground!

IMG_05727. Waving and Clapping – Boo started to wave and clap at about the same time, she did them both all the time for a couple of week and now doesn’t really clap any more, but she loves to wave….

8. Walking in to her room after she woke up to find her standing up to greet me, it was amazing and such a lovely surprise to see her great big beaming smile  over the edge of her cot.

9. Trying to put her shoes on – I actually missed this one, but while my mum was looking after Boo she made repeated and deliberate attempts to put her shoes on to her feet.

10. Helping Mummy – Boo seems really switched on and loves to help me, be it putting her arm or legs into her clothes, or helping to hold her medication syringe while we are giving her it. I feel so proud when I can see she has made a conscious effort to help, or to do something to interact with me or my husband.

11. Walking with help – Boo can’t walk yet but she loves to hold hands and walk around the house, she always looks so proud while she is walking around and makes lots of noise to let everyone know she is there. I makes me feel so proud and happy and also excited as I know she will soon be walking!

IMG_088912. Feeding herself with a spoon – Boo has only recently started to do this, and she is so very messy still, but she definately tries to copy mummy and daddy when she is handed a spoon, sometimes she even gets the right end! and sometimes she gets the right end and it has food on it!

IMG_1160I am sure there are hundreds more moments in these last nine months when I have felt so very proud of her but these definitely stick out in my mind.


The List

Surprises – 0-9 months

Here are a few of the things which have surprised me most during Boo’s first 9 months…
1. It really is amazing how little sleep you can survive on. (and I really mean survive on, not be polite and civil on)
2. After the 6 months mark and we started weaning Boo, I now really miss pre-weaning dirty nappies… who would have thought I would miss those runny poo-explosions… but I do, well compared to what we have now!
3. CBeebies cartoons are actually more addictive to watch than I probably should admit… My current faves are Raa Raa & Bing.
4.  Mummy brain really does exist… I have gone out without locking the door, but the milk in the oven instead of the fridge, gone out and forgot baby wipes (scary times!) and there are probably hundred more thing but my brain has kindly forgotten them.
5. Sneezing is hilarious. As is coughing. I did not know this until Boo showed me the light!
6. The changing table we bought was a waste of money… I always change Boo on a changing mat on the floor,
7. I thought random people coming up and touching your bump would be a thing of the past  when you gave birth, it just gets transferred, am I the only one who doesn’t feel comfortable with total stranger coming up and grabbing at Boo?
8. Up to ten nappies a day… isn’t that what the advert says? Ten nappies… that’s a slow day for us!
9. Little fingernails are sharp! Wow, they can be serious weapons and they always seem to find delicate skin…. just under you eye for example, or necks.
10. Crawling is a super efficient way to get where you want to go, how fast!!!
11.  Mummy’s and Daddy’s phones taste nice, and no babies aren’t fooled by toy phone alternatives… they know!
Mums' Days